"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" is a science fiction/comedy show designed to teach preschool through first grade children about coping with everyday life. Our main characters, Zorb and Zab, are two alien scouts from the planet Zenon. They travel from planet to planet exploring the galaxy and learning different lessons of life along the way. Every episode will be a process in which pre-school children develop and learn through the common experiences that occur to Zorb and Zab. Concepts such as learning to share, fairness, why we need to pick up after ourselves, respecting others and even stories about equality are explored in an adventurous and entertaining manner. We will include school teachers and a child psychologist to tailor the stories for the pre-school children.
The show's cast will be completely made up of high quality, extremely expressive puppets (like the Muppets). At the end of each show is a recap in which Zorb and Zab relate their new experience for those here on Earth. "THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" teaches children different life lessons through fun-filled stories, songs and laughter.

The Mission
Zorb and Zab are two wacky explorers from the planet Zenon. They are sent out by Queen Iz-zee-bella and King Zeelot, rulers of their planet, to gather knowledge of the universe. They fuel their ship with Zenon's liquid power source: Grape Soda, and take off for the cosmos. As they travel through space, they visit new worlds, meet new friends and create havoc wherever they go.
Zorb, the commander of the expedition, tries to be as logical and scientific as possible. He constantly uses many technical terms to show his superiority. Zorb regularly makes comments complaining about his assistant, Zab, but down deep he knows he couldn't make it without him.
Zab is the second in command and also the pilot of the spacecraft. He is constantly confused by Zorb's use of complex terms and bombards him with silly, immature questions and useless data.
In many episodes, Zab is at the center of some kind of problem that he usually has created. He learns a new lesson, making him a better person in order to get out of trouble.
Zorb and Zab have some friends and enemies that join them along their journey. The Alpha Rays are a singing group that pop in and out of scenes when you least expect it. They sing songs that help teach the topic of that particular show emphasizing the lesson of that episode. The songs are upbeat with a 50's style which are easy to sing along with and to remember. Whenever the Alpha Rays sing, the show becomes Music Video with a stylized montage of visuals. As soon as the song is over, The Alpha Rays disappear again.

Zorb and Zab's main source of conflict is Dr. Eego Mania. Dr. Mania is out for himself and tries to sabotage Zorb and Zab's mission. Dr. Mania was dispatched by Zeenon's neighboring planet, IAM. His mission is to destroy any chance that Zorb and Zab can bring useful information back to Zeenon.
At the end of every show, Zorb and Zab report back to Queen Iz-zee-bella and King Zeelot explaining the lesson learned from their experience. They rephrase and simplify the lesson making it easy to comprehend. This reemphasizes the importance of what the viewer has just learned.
"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" will be an amusing show with fun songs and adventures. Young children will enjoy watching all the unusual creatures as they learn different aspects about life.

"The Alpha Rays"
While traveling around the universe, Zorb and Zab meet "The Alpha Rays," a cosmic singing group. The Alpha Rays are stuck on an asteroid, their ship is out of fuel and they are late for their first gig. Zorb and Zab help get the band to their performance. During the performance, a recording company wants to sign the "Rays." Zorb and Zab pretend that they're bigwigs from back east and negotiate the record contract for the "Rays." This leads to a universal tour across the galaxy. The band buys a new space ship which looks like a flying Rock 'N' Roll stage, ready for instant concerts anywhere in the cosmos and begin their musical journey. (The band will appear regularly on the show, popping up at the strangest times.) Later in the show, Zorb and Zab are not allowed into a restaurant because they are from Zeenon. Suddenly the Alpha Rays, now a big hit, come to the rescue and get the people to change their minds.
LESSON: Pay it forward. If you help someone, they will in turn help you when you need it and it's not where you come from that makes you a good person.
"Planet Monotone's Greatest Hits"
In their travels, Zorb and Zab meet President No-Notes of the planet Monotone, a planet without music. All of the inhabitants of Monotone talk in one tone. Zorb and Zab introduce them to music with the assistance of "The Alpha Rays." By the time they leave the planet, everyone speaks with so many inflections and so much emotion that it sounds like they are all over acting!
LESSON: Introduction to song and that everyone can enjoy music.

"The Wizard of Zeenon"
Zorb and Zab come back to Zeenon and must conquer the Root Beer guzzling Dr. Eego Mania, who has been scaring the people of their home planet with his evil powers. He holds the planet's Grape Soda reserve hostage. (Grape Soda is Zeenon's liquid power source.) Through Zorb and Zab's bungling, they reveal Dr. Eego Mania to be nothing more than a basic magician and rescue the supply of Grape Soda. Zorb and Zab are honored as heroes at a banquet in which they "accidentally" start a food fight. While the mess ensues, they slip out the back and fly away in their spaceship.
LESSON: It is okay to be afraid because fear is a result of not knowing something and so you have nothing to fear but fear itself.
"Galaxy Gambit"
Zorb and Zab go on "Galaxy Gambit," the most popular game show on this side of the galaxy. Creatures from all over the universe compete to win prizes and money. The show is a combination of galactic trivia and silly stunts that the contestants must perform. Zorb and Zab risk all to win the grand prize, 100,000 Glogs, for their planet. The show will have takeoffs and jokes about current game shows here on Earth like Venus White a two headed beauty from Alpha Centuri who's only job is to run back and forth across the stage for no apparent reason. During the show, Dr. Eego Mania competes against Zorb and Zab. He almost wins by cheating but Zab uncovers him as a fake.
LESSON: Fairness makes you a winner. Winning doesn't mean everything, it's how you play the game

"A Hunting We Will Go"
Zorb and Zab save Congo from space hunters. Congo, an endangered Galactic animal, is a dinosaur/leopard like creature that has removable spots with magical powers. The spots are Congo's only protection so he must use them wisely. After Zorb and Zab save him, he joins the space adventurers as their trusty companion.
LESSON: Be fair to all of the creatures around you, you never know when you might need them. Respect nature.
"Field Trip"
Zorb and Zab take a Zeenon elementary class on a field trip. They are studying in a large cave and must stay on a specified path. Zab, not listening as usual, deviates from the path and gets lost with some of the children. They meet the Cave Creatures who are extremely angry that Zab and the children did not follow the path and are interrupting their sleep period. Zab doesn't understand. The Cave Creatures turn the tables and ask Zab if he would like it if they paraded through his bedroom while he slept. Zab and the children apologize and make friends with the Cave Creatures who in turn help them back to the exit.
LESSON: Rules are made for a reason, follow the rules and no one gets into trouble. Also rules are also made for the privacy of others and yourself. Zab learns to respect rules and others personal space.

"The Good, The Bad and The Zeenon"
Zorb and Zab land on the planet Cluster, where all the inhabitants are green and dressed like cowboys. Zorb and Zab put on cowboy attire and fit right in. Just when they start having a good time, Dr. Eego Mania uses green paint to disguise himself as a normal Clusterarian. He then accuses Zorb and Zab of being purple and has them thrown in jail. Thanks to Congo and his magical spots, they break out and prove that one's color is not a crime. The crowd of Clusterarians turn and look at Dr. Eego Mania, who backs away and trips into a water trough. The water washes away his paint and the crowd chase him into the sunset. The show ends with a camp fire song in which the "Alpha Rays" perform a country song.
LESSON: Treat everyone on an equal basis and don't judge a book by its cover. Zab learns that it's not the color of your skin that's important, but who you are.
"Family Reunion"
Zab has a family reunion and we meet all of his crazy family, from Uncle Zarnot, who eats EVERYTHING, to his nephew Zot, whose intelligence is so great that he speaks so fast, no one can understand him. Zab's cousin Zabreena has a crush on Zorb and chases him all over the party. Throughout the reunion, Zorb, who is constantly hiding from Zabreena, begins to realize that Zab is the sanest in his family and appreciates him more after the party.
LESSON: Importance of family and your roots.

"Tarnastic Voyage"
Zorb and Zab get miniaturized and must navigate through the body of a 'Tarnat' - a 14,000 pound-elephant-type creature. They are looking for some miniaturized plans hidden by Dr. Eego Mania to contaminate the Grape Soda supply. They meet and make friends with Cory Puscils and escape from an army of Anti-bodies, who work for Dr. Eego Mania. Out of no where, the "Alpha Rays" pop in to do a song and help Zorb and Zab out of a jam.
Lesson: Zorb and Zab learn how a body works from blood delivering oxygen to white blood cells that fight intruders. They learn to respect what they put into their bodies and learn to eat more healthier foods.
"Drivers Ed"
Zorb and Zab get into trouble with King Zeelot by having a minor traffic accident with his majesty's spaceship. They are sent back to driving school to learn Zeenon's golden rule: "When crossing an asteroid belt, don't forget to look eight ways." By the time the class is over, Zorb and Zab's teachers are begging them to graduate.
Lesson: Always stop, look and listen when crossing a street. Learn about traffic safety.

"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" will use three- dimensional characters, sophisticated puppets, similar to the "Muppets." Zorb, Zab, Dr.Eego Mania, the Alpha Rays and all of the other alien creatures will all be three dimensional characters. Like animation, puppets are only limited by one's imagination. Both children and adults relate to the characters because they look lifelike and alive. "THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB's" characters are believable because of the way they act and interact with each other.
"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" will have humor for adults and children. Each story will examine a particular concept or everyday experience. Our writers will go through several drafts, guided by our on staff child educator and child psychologist, to ensure that the ideas are easy to comprehend by our young viewers. Zorb and Zab's review of each show's concept will help the child to interpret and understand how that episode relates to occurrences in their own lives.
The show will possess an upbeat style with quick cuts to parallel the fast pace of the stories. The editing will include wipes, whip pans and cut-a-ways as done in music videos. The sound effects will be bizarre, yet
funny, similar to a Disney or old Warner Brothers' cartoon. Each sound will enhance the believability of the characters and their actions by elaborating on their movement or a gag.

"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" will have special effects that will generate excitement throughout the show. Innovative computer programs will allow us to create lavish computer graphics economically. Matte composites will also be used to show full length shots of puppets interacting in wide shots. Overall, special effects will be used to increase the show's quality and character's lifelike deception.
"THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" will have sets that will portray great depth and size by using forced perspective. Action will take place on several levels at the same time (using smaller puppets to help create the illusion of depth, special effects, video walls, etc). The foreground and background will constantly keep the viewer's attention. The layers and set design combined with foreground blocking will enable puppeteers to be hidden naturally, making the scenes more real and lifelike.
The interior of Zorb and Zab's space ship will be a regular set on the show. It will include the entry ramp, bridge/control room, science station, kitchen/galley, etc. The ship itself is a silly saucer type, piloted by Zab. Its talking computer (with a female voice) has a crush on Zorb, who is bothered by the relationship.
The colors will be bright with backgrounds and sets designed to look like a live action cartoon with exaggerated proportions and perspective. The sets will make the viewer wish to live in these magical places and make "THE ADVENTURES OF ZORB AND ZAB" an ageless show to watch for years to come.

About the Creators

Mark Kalbfeld
Mark Kalbfeld is an award winning producer, director, editor and writer for over 25 years. Mark has produced TV specials, commercials, documentaries and hundreds of network promos and music videos, plus EPKs, Still Shoots and long form videos including multi camera music concerts and tv specials. He knows production, truly from concept to shoot and the entire post production process.
Mark is an extremely optimistic person and his team spirit truly inspires everyone on the set, so much so, that he consider’s himself the Ted Lasso of production.
To view some of Mark’s work click here: www.markkalbfeldproducer.com

Lois Ferraro Kalbfeld
Lois Ferraro Kalbfeld has been teaching elementary school for over 20 years. She is a lifelong learner with a Master of Arts in Reading. Prior to becomig a teacher, Lois was a CPA with Ernst and Young for over 15 years. Teaching is a true passion for her and she loves when her first graders figure out a concept. "It's as if a lightbulb turned on above their head". Lois' background makes her an intregral part of the production wirting team.
Contact Information
Frames Per Second Productions
Executive Producer - Mark Kalbfeld